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Böll EU Newsletter 4/2024
Show me the money: Europe's financing challenge

Dear Friends,

From Russia’s war in Ukraine to the green and digital transformation, we’re not short on challenges nowadays. What we are lacking is the vast sums of money needed to deal with them. The EU requires an estimated 500 billion euros a year for the green transition, while NATO’s European members need to find another 56 billion euros annually to meet the alliance’s 2% defence spending target.

Meanwhile, the financial environment is changing. This year, the EU has returned to an updated version of its previously suspended fiscal rules, which will curb government spending. Eleven EU Member States including France, Italy, and Belgium are already in breach of these rules. In 2025, the EU’s Temporary Crisis and Transition Framework, which allowed Member States to provide significant amounts of state aid to industry, will expire. And in 2026, the Recovery and Resilience Facility – the EU’s historic investment programme launched during the COVID-19 pandemic – will also come to an end.

The political debate on this dilemma is gathering steam, with French President Macron, in his recent Sorbonne speech on the future of the EU, underlining the urgency of the matter: “It is now, within the decade, that we need to make this massive investment – and we’re lagging behind the United States and China”. These discussions are especially relevant in the context of the upcoming negotiations on the 2028-2034 Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF), expected to start in early summer 2025.

At the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung European Union, we have been looking into a range of options to help facilitate green financing. We recently published a study exploring how the European Central Bank could accelerate the green transition. This is particularly pertinent given Macron’s call for a debate on how to include climate change in the ECB’s mandate. And we are cooperating with economics think tank Bruegel, looking into how financial markets could be leveraged to advance biodiversity. Our headquarters in Berlin has recently published a policy paper on a future-proof financial architecture for the EU (in German), and will hold a webinar next week entitled “What do we owe the future? European instruments for future investments” (in English).

Finally, yet importantly, with the European elections now less than a month away, we have added more features to our European Parliament elections dossier, including the latest edition of our flagship magazine böll.thema entitled “Europe: A Promise”, as well as an interview on the EU elections and the European economy with Sandra Parthie from the German Economic Institute (IW) and yours truly. Do also save the date for our post-elections webinar on Wednesday 12 June!

Happy Europe Day! 🇪🇺

Warm regards,

Focus on the EP 2024 elections

Europe before the elections: Questions and consequences for the economy

On 6-9 June 2024, more than 400 million Europeans will be able to elect a new European Parliament. Five years after the European Green Deal was launched and in the midst of multiple crises, the economic strength and security of Europe are at stake. What lies ahead for the German and European economy? Phillip Käding discusses this with Sandra Parthie, Head of the Brussels Liaison Office at the German Economic Institute (IW), and Roderick Kefferpütz, Director of the EU Office of the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung in Brussels.

Eurovision: National self-portrayal or building a European identity?

Although the Eurovision Song Contest was not intended as an instrument of European integration, it has become a symbol of it – even if the relationship between national and European identity is contradictory. Analysis by Dr. Dean Vuletic.


böll.thema 1/2024 | Now available in English!

War in Europe, the escalating climate crisis, Europe's position in the global power structure: The European Union faces historic challenges. The year 2024 will determine how things will proceed. One month ahead of the EP 2024 elections, the new böll.thema 1/2024 is fully available in English.


Böll·Europe Podcast #14 | Europe after the 2024 EP elections 

More than 400 million people are expected to vote in the European elections on 6-9 June 2024, and decide on the next European Parliament. According to the polls, a shift to the right is expected in many EU countries, with populist, radical far right parties gaining votes and seats across the EU. What impact would this have? We will try to understand how the Europe we know might change in 2024 and foresee how the EU’s policy agenda and the direction of future EU legislation will be affected by it. In this podcast, we also discuss the potential effects of an isolationist US administration after the November 2024 elections. Gail Rego talks to Roderick Kefferpütz, Director of the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung European Union and to Sophie Pornschlegel, Director of Studies and Development at Europe Jacques Delors.

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New articles & web dossiers

3 Questions on what a positive digital future could look like to Payal Arora

In this super election year, concerns loom over how artificial intelligence might impact elections worldwide. Technology’s advances, coupled with the potential misuse of bad actors are a real threat. However, there are intriguing contrasts in attitudes towards AI and the use of technology between Europe and the Global South. Prof. Dr. Payal Arora, Chair of Inclusive AI Cultures at the Department of Media & Culture Studies at Utrecht University, challenges prevailing narratives of techno-pessimism. She offers a nuanced perspective on the transformative potential of technology within inclusive frameworks. Zora Siebert asked her three  key questions.


New web dossier | Uncovering climate disinformation

Uncover the battle against one of our era's greatest challenges – climate change. This dossier unravels the web of falsehoods obstructing climate action initiatives, and delves into the work of the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung's Climate Disinformation Media Fellows. We expose the pervasive myths and misinformation campaigns hindering our collective efforts to address the urgent climate crisis.

Read more

Are you a journalist based in the US or Canada? Apply until 15 May 2024 for the 2024 Climate Disinformation Fellowship by the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Washington, DC office!

New web dossier | Transatlantic relations at a crossroads

2024 is a crucial year for Transatlantic relations, with EU and US elections at both sides of the pond. This web dossier compilates articles, podcasts and resources from the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung offices and partners on the future of EU-US relations.


Upcoming events

14 May, 12:00pm CEST
What do we owe the future? Episode II: European instruments for future investments

The European Green Deal is under pressure and a financial push is desperately needed to preserve a chance of meeting the EU’s climate targets. Meanwhile, national budgets remain tight, especially in Germany with an ongoing debt debate. Thus, both European and fiscal politics are challenged to step up to match our actions to the scope of the double economic and climate challenge. This online event will discuss the EU’s role in the investment bottleneck. What could strong European fiscal instruments look like? What is the future of the Next Generation EU programme? And how do we marry social, economic and climate perspectives in a European investment push?

Register here

16 May, 16:30 CEST
Exploring the future of EU-Iran relations

The European Union’s relationship with Iran is reaching new lows. Iran’s missile attack against Israel, in response to a suspected Israeli strike on its embassy in Syria, as well as its support for proxy groups such as Hezbollah and the Houthis, are undermining stability in the Middle East. Geopolitically, its military support for Russia is also affecting the European security order, while worries remain regarding the acceleration of Iran’s nuclear programme. What are international avenues to hold the Iranian regime accountable for its human rights violations such as internet shutdowns, excessive use of force, arbitrary arrests and sexual and gender-based violence? How should the European Union respond to the regional and domestic dynamics and what could be the contours of a new European policy on Iran?  How could the European Union effectively support Iranian civil society actors and activists and their spaces of action in Iran and in the diaspora? 

Register here

6 June, 15:00 CEST
Cleaning the climate advertising industry

This session with Duncan Meissel from Clean Creatives will explore the intersection of advertising and sustainability. Join us to learn what the 'The F List’ is, the dangers of fossil fuel marketing and PR with misleading claims about climate change, and much more. Organised with EU DisinfoLab.

Register here

12 June, 14:00 CEST
The aftermath of the EP 2024 elections: Towards a new EU legislative term

What are the main takeaways from the EP 2024 elections? How will the new EP look like? What's the fate of the European Green Deal and of EU democracy? Who may be nominated for EU top jobs? Save the date and join us on Wednesday 12 June 2024 for a comprehensive discussion with experts and partners!

Photo credits: Jai79, Public Domain; IMAGO / Pixsell, All rights reserved; Michelle Muus, All rights reserved; Aurélie Peters|AdGrafics, All Rights Reserved; isak55|shutterstock, All rights reserved; Alexandros Michailidis|shutterstock, All rights reserved; Dominique Hommel|European Union, CC BY-SA 4.0.

The Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung is a German political foundation affiliated with the German Green Party (Alliance 90/The Greens). Its primary task is political education and advocacy in Germany and abroad. Our main tenets are ecology and sustainability, democracy and human rights, non-violence and justice. In our work, we place particular emphasis on gender democracy, equal rights for minorities and the political and social participation of migrants.

Our namesake, the writer and Nobel Prize laureate Heinrich Böll, personifies the fundamental principles we stand for: defence of freedom and human dignity, civic courage, open debate and the acknowledgement of art and culture as independent spheres of thought and action. As a think tank for green visions and ideas, we are part of an international network with 34 offices worldwide and with partner projects in more than 60 countries.

The Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung European Union represents the foundation vis-à-vis European and international institutions, associations, non-governmental organisations and media based in Brussels. The office is a main point of contact for individuals, groups and organisations from around the world interested in EU politics and policies. The future of the European project and the role of the European Union in the world are at the centre of our activities and efforts.

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